Sunday 5 July 2009

The Busker

Yesterday I was in London; I had just finished work and was enjoying the sunshine, walking along the Southbank with my iPod pumping through my ears. I crossed Jubilee Bridge and walked past the usual buskers, hearing snippets that lasted a few seconds of each, as I neared them. One man however, caught my attention. He was dressed as a court jester and was pretty much a one man band. The instruments were blatantly bought from toy shops and he had no idea how to play them. He looked like he should have been in the IT department of HSBC. He strummed away and I caught the lines ’50 cent’s songs are a lot shitter than mine’ and took a longer look. He had a tambourine with the words ‘joy is free’ written on it. This made me laugh and bought a smile to my face. No one else was passing by and he only had a few pennies in his pot. It made me realize people in London need to take themselves less seriously, and stop and enjoy his ‘music’. If only more buskers were like this…

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