Sunday 12 July 2009

Good Night

Heavy footsteps on wet pavement. The temperature is still chilly; the rain procrastinating over pouring again. Sweat clings to my brow after a particularly hard shift, breathing the heavy sighs of freedom and fresh air. I stand to observe the silence, the road is empty and not a sound can be heard. Thoughts are racing through my head, cluttered and confusing like a neglected filing cabinet. I switch my mp3 player on and everything calms. I relax and begin to walk. Everything seems so much clearer now.

It is odd how when it is night time everything is completely different. Objects and buildings you have passed a thousand times in the day suddenly seem completely different, almost to the point of being frightening. There is always something a little uneasy about walking past a graveyard at night, you know there is nothing there but bones and dust but my pace always quickens. At night the silence is deafening and you can hear the quietest sound from a pin dropping to the louder sounds of rain water gushing down a greedy drain. There are very few people around in the early hours of the morning, and when you do come across them you instantly think they are out for trouble, why else would they be up at this time of night? I guarantee the same thoughts are running through their head when they see you.
The best part of the night has to be the calm though. After a manic day of working your arse off for a company that couldn’t give a shit about you there really is nothing quite like walking through the night and having the silence as a companion.

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